/ Interface D N.1 – Audio Files Player


Interface D N.1 – Audio Files Player


Interface – Audio Files Playe is an audio player that reads audio files, in the most used formats and performing, at resolutions up to 24bit 192kHz.

It is available both in the version with analog power supply “A No.1”, with both digital power “D No.1”.

In the analog version to No.1, the original switching power supply, it is replaced with a powerful traditional analog power supply, which enables superior sonic performance.

The sound mix becomes much more natural and powerful, gaining positive qualities of an analog source, but retaining the dynamics and emission freshness that is found in digital cameras of the highest rank.







Interface (audio file player) recognizes an endless number of hard disks (through a USB connection). Interface reads files and audio files (up to 24Bit 192Khz of resolution) stored in peripheral devices (HD, Pen Drive, etc…) and allows their immediate reproduction.

This can happen because Interface and Half Moon(Elegant Line) does not need to index or to create libraries with the files stored in the peripheral devices.

In practice, thousands of audio files contained in the peripheral devices are immediately available and ‘playable’ just using  a tablet as a remote control.






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Interface D N.1 – Audio Files Player


Half Moon System consists of  Interface or Half Moon (audio file player) and Best Storage (NAS) contains 4 HD of 8TB with a total capacity of as much as 32 TB.

See Interface e Half Moon System”

See “Interface A N.1”




Interface N.1 – Audio File Player,

Reads all formats,

Upsampling 24bit/192KHz,

1 box Copper-Plexiglass front panel

Digital power suppliers

Dimension: mm. 430x330x110 (W x D x H),

Weight Kg. 5,0